TeamCPNZ Frontrunner - Christchurch Marathon FRRC
$0 Per Month
+ Setup Price: $49.5
- Our super awesome training plan to prepare you for your 2025 Christchurch Marathon
- LIVE GROUP Q&A with TeamCPNZ Coach – Richard Greer
- Android and iOs App for you to have it in your pocket
- Body weight strength training workouts
- Technique video resources
- Set up includes a group ZOOM start-up session with Richard to ensure that you are set to make the most of your training membership.
The objectives of this programme are to...
Get you ready for race day so you can perform to your potential and learn lots on the way.
Initially we want to build a sustainable routine, develop your technique and your base fitness/strength to avoid injury.
After this we look to go increase the time that you are out in your simulation sessions to prepare your body, mind and nutrition strategy for race day.
Once you have created an account and logged in for the first time check out the welcome and getting started video before clicking on the my plans tab and applying a programme to your account